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Comic Books/Characters U Like!!!

hiii i'm new to the website and haven't seen much comic discussion so i figured i'd start some of my own :p 

if you're a fan of comics, whether big two superheroes or anything else the medium of comics contains, please drop recommendations, characters, stories, whatever u like!

for example, i've been on a daredevil kick as of recent, so i've been rereading frank miller and mark waid's respective runs on the character, both of which are some all time favorites for me. outside of the superhero genre i've been making my way through charles burns' Black Hole again, which is an all time classic and u should Seriously check it out!!! 

thanks :DD

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Reply by possumparty


What is Black Hole about?

Personally as a big recommendation from me; I'm a really big fan of the series Saga. I'd say the comic is rated M for the forewarning regarding the content in it, but it is an overall great fantasy space opera that I was caught up on but am unsure if I still am now.

I got a lot of comics on my backlog. It's hard to know where to start.

I really enjoy the Sandman comics, but recent news regarding Neil Gaiman has kind of taken me aback. The series itself is wonderful to me though, and I absolutely love the art in it.

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Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx


I love and will always recommend the Colder comic series for horror fans. It's definitely twisted and gory, but the story is really entertaining. My favorite character is Nimble Jack.

Other than that I love reading any Winter Soldier-related comic I can get my hands on. He has to be my favorite comic book character of all time! There are also the Doctor Who comics, but I've only been able to read a handful from my local library. :D

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Reply by MattIsMad05👤


You should read Archie's Comics and Sabrina the teenage witch, which is part of the archie's comics but also she has her own comics I think I remember reading about her and not about everyone else if you get what I mean

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