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What was your first furby?

Posted by Splat


Forum: Furby Land Group

My first furby was the furby boom mcfuby in 2012(?) and my first full sized furby was the baby blue furby baby! 

So, what was your first furby??

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Reply by Voidpain


My first furby as also a 2012! It was a dark-ish purple. I named it Cata and i had a huuge love-hate relationship with it bc of the whole “switching personality” gimmick 2012 had :p we ended up donating to charity in 2015 iirc 

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Reply by The Letter E


my first furby was the purple party rocker from 2012, my mom got it for me when they came out, but my first full furby would be the black cherry one i believe? also 2012, which sparked my collection properly

definitely have a preference for the 98s nowadays though

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