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social media questions

Posted by Milla


Forum: Life

there are a couple of social platforms I'm thinking of getting but I'd like others' opinions first to help me decide if it's a good idea or not.

1. Bluesky

I heard it's like a retro social app, which sounds cool. I read the reviews and apparently there are a couple of glitches. For those of you who've tried it, is it worth getting?

2. Bereal

I feel like this could solve my issue of always comparing myself to others. is it a good idea?

3. Letterboxd

I love movies! Is this app fun?

Thanks in advance!!

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Reply by ★Eli's mind★


I have Bereal, and it's really funny, I have low self-esteem, so I don't like take pictures of my face, but after some time, I started to post silly photos with my face there, and my friends too. And reacting with potos is fun.

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Reply by Eva


letterboxd is the best! its very convenient to keep track of all the films you've watched (i have over 200+ and i kept track of them in my notes app, needless to say that was a bit inconvenient lol) also SOME OF THEM REVIEWS.... literal gold

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