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I hope I die soon.

Posted by Pau ♡


Forum: Writing and Poetry

I hope I die soon.

I say don't truly mean it.

I do, but I'm to coward to admit it.

If I say the true, my parents will go mad

I don't get why, I think they should be sad.

A flower dies slowly and it's obvious how it goes worse.

They get sad when it die, and regret about ignore it before.

Doesn't that sounds familiar to us?

It's stupid to think how people ignore until we're gone.

(This is the first poem I write in English, I hope it's alright, I was kinda nervous of writing this, ngl >w<)

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2 Replies

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Reply by Romeo's_Juliet


I lowkey kinda teared up. Have you written anymore I'd love to read them?

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Reply by Rackster721


This actually got me thinking. I also liked how everything rhymes and falls smoothly into the next line, loved it.

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