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Struggling to customise my profile on mobile??

Hi!! i am extremely new to spacehey, and im understanding the basics of editing profile layouts but every time i try to add an image link it doesnt work?? the link is there in the code but it doesnt show up on my profile. this may be something obvious im missing, but id appreciate some help because ive been searching for a while. and i dont have a computer, just my phone and ipad. 

i was looking on other blogs and trying to follow instructions, and like i said: everything works for me except for adding images and other similar custom things?? is it just because im on mobile or is there a reason?

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Reply by Ho'olheyak (pawtals)


There shouldn't be any issue outside of your control other than safari, make sure your syntax is on point and rendering properly. If you can't change it it's probably cause safari is the shittiest browser ever and someone should throw a pineapple at Tim Cook.

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Reply by munchlax


I'm not sure exactly how the mobile site works, but certain browsers such as firefox will let you use the desktop version of websites.

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Reply by Gluma


I've only used this site on mobile because I also don't have a computer lmao and everything works for me :o issue could maybe be the image link you're using...? I personally use direct image links from image-hosting websites like PostImages. Never went wrong for me

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