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krita or medibang?

i've been using medibang for a while but i've been wondering if my exerience could be better if i used krita .  what do you guys think ?  i'm kind of a beginner in digital art

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Reply by JeffySparr0w


i used both krita and medibang and I think krita is better. It has a lot more options imo

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


Krita or Medibang, you ask? To wield the brush of Krita, or the wand of Medibang? Both tools of artistic chaos, but alas, the true art lies not in the software, but in the madness of the creator. Personally, I find myself on Krita's side. Choose wisely, for your destiny as an artist hinges on this decision! Or maybe just flip a coin, because who cares. 

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Reply by chibir3xx


I don't have experience with these programs so I can't rly say anything:/

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Reply by jesa


I've used both for about more than a year!! I have to say: learning Medibang was much easier than Krita. There are a lot of controls to learn with Krita so the learning curve was hard for me. My art looked choppier at first during the transition. ;-;

However, Krita has a great animation workspace for free! That's why I switched. Also, my art has gotten more detailed and professional looking after overcoming the learning curve. :D I'm still learning more about the controls even after 2 years of use, but I think the difficulty actually helped my art. 'u'

Personally, I think Medibang is more intuitive for artists, but Krita is great for pushing out of your comfort zone because there is always another feature to learn! Medibang is better for beginners, and Krita for people who want to advance, imo!

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