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Questions for fun!

Posted by xX_Jay_Xx


Forum: Quiz/Survey

I'm bored, so here's some Q's!!!!

1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

4. Mario or Luigi?

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

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Reply by venus ☆


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

R: ten cats, dogs are too energetic it would be a nightmare

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

R: depends on how late i am

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

R: around 2/3 minutes, i have no time sense so i'd feel like that was 5 mins already

4. Mario or Luigi?

R: Luigi

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

R: never had any! peanut butter isn't popular and only available as a healthy snack option and both it and jelly are far overpriced for me lol, but only peanut butter with some sugar (as I've mentioned its only available w/o sugar) is great

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Reply by Neco-Arc Chaos


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

Ten dogs or ten cats? Why not both? Imagine the chaos of a dozen dogs and a dozen cats frolicking together! But if I must choose, I'll take ten chaotic cats—smaller but just as mischievous!

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

Sock-sock-shoe-shoe or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? Such orderly fashion routines! Chaos dictates neither! Embrace the randomness—sock-shoe, shoe-sock, flip-flop, flip-flop!

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

How long can I sit in a quiet room? Ah, but silence is the canvas upon which chaos paints its most vibrant colors! I could sit for an eternity, reveling in the potential for mayhem that silence holds. (Not very long, nyactually.)

4. Mario or Luigi?

Mario or Luigi? A dilemma for mortals, but for me, both are pawns in the game of chaos! Mario brings the heroics, Luigi brings the green shyness. Mario, the red beacon of good, or Luigi, the green harbinger of second bananas?— why not both?

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

Peanut butter and jelly.

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Reply by Jack


1. Ten cats definately lol, love dogs too but 10 would be way too much

2. both socks on first then shoes

3. probably forever, my room is mostly quiet anyways

4. Luigi ride or die

5. don't like peanut butter or jelly OR honey lol so just bread i guess

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Reply by RAGHORN


1) ten cats, finally i will be a little old person with a bunch of purring cats around my legs

2) socks first ,, i feel lopsided if not

3) oh agess, i chat to myself bunches lol

4) back when i played super mario bros (rip wii) i always mained blue toad

5) just the honey

thx for the questions :highfive:

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Reply by stephanieee


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

ten cats easy... i love both dont geet me wrong!! but i feel a certain kinship with cats that i just don't with dogs.. that and taking ten dogs for a walk every day, playing with ten dogs Every Day... i would fall over dead..

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

sock-sock-shoe-shoe. i don't mean to discriminate against anyone. but if u choose the second one i don't think i trust u.

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

five minutes on a good day .. i get understimulated pretty quickly and so silence just.. doesn't sit right with me. maybe i'd start singing to myself then i would be fine :D

4. Mario or Luigi?

let me start by saying i appreciate what mario has done for the mushroom kingdom. stand-up guy. but luigi... that's my boy. that's My boy. shout out luigi.

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

pb&j is much better as a sandwich, but peanut butter and honey on toast? possibly one of God's greatest gifts to man. it's So good . 

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Reply by TheFandomKid!


1. I'd say catz cuz, as much as I luv dogz, cats might be easier 2 handle. And definitely smaller than dogz. I can have cuddle buddiez 2! :DD

2. Sock-sock-shoe-shoe :D

3. 4 a very l0ng ti3m actually. But if some1 l00kz insid3, d3y might s33 meh talking to mys3lf. It kinda helpz coping with loneliness, yk :P

4. Itz-a-me!

5. I d0nt rll li3k peanut buttah, s0 I'll say jelly, it might help cov3r da peanut taste XP

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Reply by skai


1.) Ten cats all the way Dogs smell weird

2.) Sock-sock shoe-shoe. I never put my shoes on until I'm walking out the door honestly

3.) Alone, I'd say a day. With people 15-30 secs before it gets awkward 

4.) Luigi 

5.) Jelly and honey. I can't stand peanut butter

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1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

Ten cats. I understand their body language better and they tend to be more chill in general.

2. Do you put on
your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then
both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe?

Both socks and then both shoes. I usually wear socks around the house so it happens naturally.

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

Unnerved? Forever. Bored? Immediately.

4. Mario or Luigi?

Luigi :3 he's so silly

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

I usually go for jelly, but honey sounds pretty sweet.

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Reply by Saraミ★


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

Ten cats fs

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

The first way, Ive never of the second way before

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

30 secs

4. Mario or Luigi?


5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

Peanut butter and Jelly

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Reply by Bones 0-\\


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

Easy, 10 cats 

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)


3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

Hmm.. tbh I could handle that for a pretty long time. I'd probably lose it after maybe 7-9 ish hours??

4. Mario or Luigi?


5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

Not a fan of either..

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Reply by Working Title


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?


2. Do you put on
your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then
both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and
shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

Sock-sock shoe-shoe

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

It depends on if I have something to do or not. Probably about 3 hours.

4. Mario or Luigi?


5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?


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Reply by Lemmingsishard


  1. ten cats (something something every nerd needs a cat ... or ten)
  2. sock-sock-shoe-shoe (any other way deserves the roman inquisition)
  3. depending on how quiet 50 seconds to 5 minutes
  4. Mario (since I always forced my Dad to play Luigi when we played)
  5. peanut butter and jelly but I don't really eat much peanut based foods

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Reply by Giz


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

either would be fine lol, but i think i'd still choose 10 cats

2. Do you put on
your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then
both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and
shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

first both socks, then shoes!

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

i mean, without anything else in the room, just sitting and doing nothing? not for long, maybe like half an hour idk really :D

4. Mario or Luigi?

luigi :3

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

neither bc i don't eat that stuffff, plus i hate peanut butter, i tried it for the first time a while ago and uhh... u just should've seen my face :DD

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Reply by Arfuirl


1. 10 beautiful huskey babys

2. I don't use socks, i just put my shoes on and that's it

3. It kinda depends on my energy atm, but probably not that much, also depends if im like reading or something like that

4. Mario

5. Peanut butter and Bee Honey everyday!!

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Reply by Pika_Patchu<3


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

Cats 100% I love them so so much xo

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

Sock-sock shoe-shoe. That’s weird the other way (☉_☉) 

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

Forever basically. I Love the quiet lmao

4. Mario or Luigi?

Ive always been team Luigi. I feel like he moved faster in SMB too if I’m honest. Maybe I’m delusional tho 

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

I actually dont like honey tbh?? So PBj 

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Reply by ShawShauxz


1. 10 catz all the wayyy

2. Right sock, left sock, right shoe, left shoe

3. With distraction (sketchbook, electronics & etc.) I could go on forever because I have time blindness lol but without distraction I would probably go crazy or cry out of loneliness (assuming I'm alone in the quiet room)

4. Luigi

5. Any except without the peanut butter, the texture and taste of it in my mouth really makes me uncomfortable for some reason

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1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats? Ten cats 100% 

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

Sock-sock-shoe-shoe, i love this question ahahah

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

Depends on whether I have music or other fun stuff to do but I would say hours

4. Mario or Luigi?


5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and

 Honey? Pb and JELLYYY

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Reply by katt_k3k


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

ten cats!!!

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)


3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

probably 3 or more hours

4. Mario or Luigi?


5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey

peanut butter and honey

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Reply by Finn


1. Would you rather have ten dogs or ten cats?

Cats. I love dogs as much as the next guy but I definitely don't have enough energy for 10 of them at least with cats I can just stay in bed all day with 10 cats all warmed up to me and no need to worry for them constantly needing to move around.

2. Do you put on your shoes sock-sock-shoe-shoe (putting on both of your socks and then both of your shoes), or sock-shoe-sock-shoe? (putting on one sock and shoe, and then the other sock and shoe)

Sock-sock-shoe-shoe usually but certain situations maybe the other way

3. How long can you sit in a quiet room before getting unnerved?

Depends if I have anything

4. Mario or Luigi?

As a younger sibling Luigi as I was never allowed to be Mario

5. Peanut butter and Jelly, or Peanut Butter and Honey?

Ew Peanut Butter. Ew Honey. Jelly depends on the jelly so I guess by default Peanut Butter & Jelly as atleast one of the things I may like

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