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getting over people

how do you stop missing people??? Is there like a mindset you can get in to to get over 

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Reply by MrYouAintReady


Hey Ghosty,

Getting over people is never easy. Sometimes it takes a longer time than we'd like. It can be days, months, or even years. There's nothing wrong with missing someone but as long as you remember that you have to live your life and move forward then all is fine. I miss my ex and still love her but I know that there's no way I'd allow her back into my life in that capacity. I've had relationships after her. But it took me 3 years to fully get over her. Given the situation you have to forgive them, yourself, the situation, etc to fully move forward. Again, there's nothing wrong with having a little space in your heart missing them, but knowing you have to move forward for your grow is important. Hope that helps.

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