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Metroid Prime 4: The Hype Is Real

Posted by ivorykoi


Forum: Games

So.. the announcement was a while back, but it's real. Almost seven years, but we've got it! 

There's a lot of interesting stuff shown in the trailer here. We've got enemies (and friendlies), returning GalFed troopers, a new UI (and ship design..?) .. lots of stuff to be excited about to the point that weeks later, I'm still speechless about it.

I'll also treat this forum topic as a general metroid-hype-containment-thread, so feel free to discuss what you're excited about and what you hope they'll have for the assumed finale of the Prime series.

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Reply by 1st Generation


man that fucking trailer got me so hype. its looks so much like a halo game but coming from nintendo. it makes me wish they kinda had their own FPS series other than metroid. but yeah game looks hype i need to buy remastered immediately 

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