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What does being the Waste of space means? (theory/explanation)

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Homestuck "Classpect" systewm works as a Hiper-flexible mythology,setting all characters to be predispoced to go with their "Class" and core "Aspect".

but what does it mean? like, what does it mean to be, Idk, the Heir of Void?

Void is nothingess, Secrets, lies and, well, Void. but a Heir inherits their aspect.

so the only way a Heir of Void should rise is to, become unimportant? that is incorrect, acutally, yeah, is true that Equius after MurderStuck become basically a Gag more than an actual character but he was always tied up with his own fatality, after all he is part of Lord english,so, what was the acutual Classpect journy of a Heir of Void? well, to overcome the void itself, a good Heir of Void would get over the mistery,unimportantness and the whole void with they life and take control of it, like how John takes control of "the windy thing",the flow of the plot and a lot of other things.

what do I  mean all of by thi? that all claspect not only depicts the personality of the Hero (you), but also their journy and trials to acend into a better version of themselfs.

but they aslo have a Work to do in their seesion, pharafrasing the best host there is:

"A Seer would support her allies in battle not with her weapons, but her vision. She would sift through dross of her comrades' poor tactical inclinations and examine the grim consequences. A Seer would not charge into the fray headlong but direct it as a conductor with a baton. She would have the sight to eschew the obvious gambits, and find the path to victory disguised cleverly as setback, or even imminent defeat. She would behold the fortunes of friends and foes in totality, and appraise the contrivance of luck itself. She would know its mines were not to be plundered, but simply explored and charted carefully."

a seer, has a work, of guiding and moving their party to a better take on subjects, leading them into their victory.

but we can also see in both Seers that attending that work is not the only important trial they have to pass, both Rose and Terezi struggle with feeling unimportant and unsatisfied with how things work and are stablished,always going into new things, something good, but they just go out to get something "better than the actual", but not loocking at the bigger picture and getting orchestrated by someone, and losing their freewill to them.

both the Journy and the trials are so interwined with the work of a class it is imposible to know where one starts and the other ends, but the thing that most separates tems are their most "core" aspect.

the journy being about a representation of Heros journy.

and the work being totally based on the needs of the session, after all, all sessions need both a hero of time and space, the most natural and significative of the aspects, that both fully represent the core of existence.

another thing to work with is what tropes a class goes by, for example:

  • The countless battles the Knights they are trhow into by their guardian.
  • The unstoppable monster of a guardian all Witches have.
  • The isolation of all Seers towards their guardian.
  • All hope players having Pistol/rifflekind (or something related to gun power) strife specibus.

with the prologue clarified we can get to the beginning of my work here, to analyze the dubiously canon class of "Waste"

Analysis time.

we have established how a class works (im not explaining aspects, go read the extended zodiac part, but btw, dont take the test.) so now we have to think how a Waste would work, but first, im gonna clariffy a little thing.

Waste is a master class, why? the literal creator of the comic is a waste, plus, there is no other waste to take clues from, so, yeah,

talking about the creator and the lack of clues we have, the only confirmed Waste we have as off now is the motherfucking Andrew Hussie, a Waste of Space.

by the little we know, the waste class actually is neither pasive or active, just as the way Andrew says he is omnicient but actually doesnt know everything, a waste would be STUCK inside an scenario, an scenario built by themselfs, clues from that? yes, a funny one, actually:

that time Andrew ATTACKED some bullies, RUN HIMSELF OUT of the fight and literraly TRAPED HIMSELF with his biggest fear.

Andrew sure gets along with thing builted up by himself. that leads me to the Space aspect:

Space is begginins and the between of thins, Space bound heros are naturally good at the art of "Wait-and-see-what-happens", what is Homestuck most known about? being one of the longest webcomic EVER, so, Hussie being a Space player builds up things to later see the result of it, but because of his Waste part he is stuck inside those things he builds up, that sounds pasive right? if we sumarize what I have said a waste would be described as:

"One who is Stuck inside [Aspect]


One who invites being trapped by [Aspect]"

right? but I actually thing a waste, as a master class would have a twist. and that twist is that not only they are stuck inside their creation, but they also own their creation, not that they control it, but that the waste can do whatever they want inside their creation, and nothing will happen to them. like, if a Waste wanted to run naked inside their creation, they could and nothing would happen to them, why do I say this? well, lets look at my reason to say this.the Hussiehunt.

this, is the panel of the the page 4060:

and, above this panel, as a banner for the site of Homestuck there is this panel/banner/something:

and  that if you you leave your moouse in the hand sign of the image, not touching, there will be a text of Hussie talking, literally over Doc scratch ranting about the ancestor. 

if we put those both thing togheter, it would look like this:

it is literally Hussie, A WASTE, putting his will over their creation, but also being stuck inside of it, unable to make it stop, he can change things, but they have get off the vagabond state they are in; grab their weapon and make their creation change by their hand, just like he did, leading a new writer team to create Homestuck 2, leaving his creation, making Homestuck, his magnus opus live without him as their heart, making Homestuck more of their own ecosystem, where we all go around it, even Hussie, now, free to go do all the things he want.

with this I have made clear both the Journy of a waste and their Work to do to their given session, I will now clariffy both of them.


The journy of the waste starts with his work, his creation made entirelyby his aspect, a waste should know theirreal creation, his own world to own is not determinated if they are stuck with it, if a work is not fit for their aspect, they will either shut it down, or simply end it faster, after creating their work, a waste would primely jerk around it, doing some trolling, silly games and tests, to chek if their work is fit enough to actually hold all of the capacity of their [aspect], if it is, they will stick around to start making their work more complex and start pumping the work with their [aspect], this will be the most dangerouspart for a Waste to confront, this is the ONE AND ONLY trial a Waste will go trough, to make their work hold all of their aspect, Hussie, unfortunatly didnt exactly win this trial, sure he own homestuck media, as a good Waste should, but abetter Waste would stick around its creation more, and Hussie has left us a long time ago, so, even though his Work/Magnus oppus has been complited with great success, Andrews`s trial has been left to other to resolve, leaving Andre as a more pasive role, not in his actually in between role.

so, to sumarize, a Waste is:

One that creates and is stuck to their creations


One that owns their creation.

that would be all, Terrible guy OUT!


The "Question booth"

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2 Replies

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Reply by Ponyluver69


this was a CRAZY read i def needed this amazing analysis !!

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Reply by ArbitraryTalpidae


Holy smokes this was so detailed I loved reading it

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