« Helping each other Forum

how do i be active on spacehey?

Posted by april


Forum: Helping each other

hi, its me april. for me, spacehey always felt like a sorta thing you would use just for the profile customization. cause then you would go “oh look at the cool profile i have” and probably use it as a page to put all your socials in, like feds.lol

i knew spacehey was a social media site, but i never really bothered to use it until now, because of twitter.

any advice on how to be active here and use it every day? would be really helpful for me


I need help getting used to spacehey and need advice on how to stay active on

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4 Replies

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Reply by april


reposted here because i realized nobody would reply if it was a blog

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Reply by pawtals!


I just keep a tab with SpaceHey pinned and refresh it every so often.

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Reply by MouchiMunchkin


I had the same trouble ever since I made a profile but I found that getting the mobile version and having notifications on while participating in forums helped a bit

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Reply by Pòm


My best advice would be to participate in the forums: there's tons of decent topics in here. And hopefully make some friends on here that you can connect with keep in touch with.

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