There are many terms and labels you can use to describe yourself out there, but I find that stepping outside of the main sphere of influence and taking the time alone to really sit with what I feel myself as helps me. Stepping away from any potential influences from the online community allows you to see yourself for what and who you are without bias, you know? That's how I discovered my nonhumanity, anyway. Stepping away, finding what comes naturally to you without any outside suggestions, and then circling back to review what you experienced - then, researching.
But keep in mind that you don't have to label every single experience as something, otherwise you'll get caught up in a rabbithole of terms. And then nonhumanity turns into a labeling game.
I will say, you absolutely do not need a past life and/or mental shifts to be nonhuman. Everyone has a completely different experience when it comes to their nonhumanity.
If it helps, you mentioned "connections", which makes me think of the term 'otherhearted'. Otherhearted (in a loose definition) is the term where you define with an animal, having a very strong connection to the animal.
Also remember that identities are in constant flux, so it is completely okay to use a label and a little while later say "hey, this doesn't really define me that well." There are so such thing as "fake therians" either, if in the end you find that the label doesn't fit. Being misinformed is completely okay. Change is completely valid!
I'd recommend browsing this website for more information and help: