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tips for publishing music at home??

Posted by grassia☆


Forum: Music

my goal is to release a single song on soundcloud over the summer...i've got the chords and the lyrics, and all that's left is to actually record and adjust the song. does anyone have advice on how to record music at home, preferably with cheap methods and programs? anything is appreciated, though. thanks in advance!

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Reply by will


its pretty difficult to record at home without spending some money. if you have a mac, garageband is a pretty good free alternative to other DAWs, its basically a mini version of Logic Pro X.

you'll need an audio interface if you don't already have one. some of the best cheaper options are like £90 (or around $115 if you're american). anything by focusrite is pretty good and they're quite affordable.

other than that, you can make your music sound pretty good using stock plugins. experiment with different effects to see what you like the most. with things like compression and eq, there are hundreds of videos online that go in depth about them. a lot of the stuff on soundcloud is relatively lo-fi so i wouldn't stress too hard about making it sound great or professional or anything, just try have fun with the recording process and experiment with various things. hope this helps somewhat ahaha

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