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Does anyone remember her?

Suicide sadie, i know for a fact she exists because i saw cosplays fanart ect. of her, however i cant find her origin story anywhere and i think thats really unfortunate. Just want to know if anyone recalls her story

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Reply by ⦻CUP!D GUTZ⦻🪓🫀


I think her story may be up on the wiki I found her 

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Reply by Bug


this sounds familiar, i think ive seen sum stuff abt her on tumblr but maybe check the crp website for her backstory?

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Reply by scrollypoly


She was def a character, i still see her talked about. its not unusual that you cant find her story though, most of the OG stories were deleted because either the writers weren't happy with their writing, or the actual forum has done story purges and taken down entries before. It could also be that she was just known on other socials like tumblr or dA, but her story was never posted on the official sites

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