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looking 4 friends my age (19)

Posted by gaz :p


Forum: Friends

want emo friends who want to reminisce those derp vibes we were too young for at the time . i like bunnies and i recently got my first job i need ppl to text so i dont go insane we can text here or ig/ discord 

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Reply by swaghaver


omg twinsies i'm about to get hired and only the money will keep me sane from the urban hike i gotta take to get there lol. i'd say my style is more disney channel emo than Emo Emo but i think it counts :3

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Reply by gaz :p


i walked 4 miles a day everyday for my first two weeks there , not including the walking at the job which usually i ggot about 13k steps compared to my usual less than 6k every day . now i just uber which is awful cuz im not being paid much either its so much easier tho:'(

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Reply by Rabbit1


Sent a request on here!! :P You like Webkinz and Pokemon AND have a rabbit..?!?!?! Based.....

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