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What is your favorite soup?

Posted by taheeo


Forum: Food and Restaurants

I love soups. What is your favorite soup??

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Reply by LavenderLushLuxury ☭


This 2 honestly BY FAR, Is my ALL-Time favorite soup, I CAN'T really eat soup because EVERY SINGLE time I eat soup the brand has so much sodium in it and my feet swell up with the progresso and cambles soups, This one the Mom's DIDN'T do that for me and was spicy and I love pumpkin it's perfect wish the Jar was a gallon honestly or a liter ahha yep, & The Amy's brand is BOMB AF TOO........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Reply by Tovi


Comfort food from back in the day: Heinz cream of tomato soup with weird little DIY dumplings I make by scooping out those terrible supermarket bagels and mushing them into little balls.

Fancier: chunky chicken soup with veggies. Throw in some soft roasted garlic; they're like little flavour packets!

Fanciest: kitsune udon soup. I know it's not considered fancy in Japan, but I don't live in Japan, so I can only access it in fancy contexts.

Best I've ever had, but have also never had since: cream of artichoke at a local art festival in Pescadero, California. It was incredible.

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Reply by e


I'm honestly a big tomato soup fan, but a big smooth soup purist. I don't really think I can handle chunkier soups or soups that dump a lot of contents into itself. If it were possible I could drink fancier ramen broths all day, especially tonkotsu or miso broths.

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Reply by Pòm


Soup Joumou, Bouyon, Clam Chowder, French Onion, Lobster Bisque.

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Reply by MaliceMace.mp3 🍉



What makes a soup and soup and a stew a stew

That is the question 

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