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Posted by ☆ St4r_cherry ☆


Forum: Life

Why it is so difficult to relate to people? 

From what I see it depends a lot on how you look (body), if you are a thin bastard most of them will treat you in the same way if you are curvy, fat, average, etc. How you look, they treat you and it really sucks, and it affects EVERYTHING, jobs, romantic partners, friendships, school, street. No matter how shitty it is to think that every day and little by little rot in your house or anywhere, reaching that point of no longer wanting to continue because anyway, what do you have to lose? the extra kilos or your stupid face. I know I'm already off topic but I'd still like to vent, motherfuckers. I hate everything, everything is difficult and you try but you never achieve the minimum, I know that it also requires discipline or effort but seriously, you try hard and you just don't, some of you can't lose weight, start a healthy life you just don't and you don't. I justify so much because it could also be due to psychological problems, but fuck everything, pass me the cocaine

sorry if my english is bad, i'm actually a mexican pretending to be intelligent

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Reply by Ka0z


pero si hablas español?  Whatever I think you're true people are shit but people who have an ego to the fucking heaven who think they think of themselves to be gods just for hours in the gym and injecting chemicals to be bigger they are shit and more their ego all gordophobic and of those there are many people both men and women who think of being a minimum bigger than today's social standard of being thin they reopen you as they didn't exist until your family talks shit about your weight in your face and that confuses me a lot because you have to say or think a minimum thing about some person's physique?

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