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Nintendo Direct June 18 2024

Posted by Fiore


Forum: Games

Hi I'm here to ask your thoughts on the latest Nintendo Direct , mainly for their main ip such as

mario or zelda.

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Reply by 1st Generation


ughhh so good it looked so good lmao. im really excited for metroid prime. it looks so much like halo now its crazy! I really wish nintendo dipped their hand into fps games more often, I feel like theres something they can add to make it fresh. New zelda game looks pretty cool now but im nervous about the gameplay and them re-using the LTTP map

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Reply by LazyLexy


i'm angry about it, i wanna see more zelda game remasters like spirit tracks and phantom hourglass or ports from the wii u like wind waker, i honestly didn't ask for a new zelda game, i wanna just have remasters from the DS days

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