YouTube removed a lot of videos this year off the website. I am sure the largest issue is storage. The website is barely useable. I hate searching on it. I wish there was a website that was basically like a search engine for people's profiles, and people will have to host videos on their own server with their own hardware. Videos could be tagged for easy searching. I really want a video website that had a major improved tagging system. I really miss the video response feature for example, and I wish I could chain videos like animation memes into a sort of tree so I know which ones are the originals and which are forks. I wish I could search for specific styles of animations for specific songs. Like basically I kind of want to combine elements from danbooru and github, where there is a deep tag system and people could even upload source files for people to look at and use. I also just want an alternative website that doesn't have so much hate... YouTube is filled up with too many drama channels shitting on people just for money. What do you think?