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streetpass in 2024?

Posted by candddy!


Forum: Games

so i recently got a 3ds and ive been carrying it around everywhere hoping to get some streetpass hits but so far nothing :( do you guys still go out with ur 3ds?? i think we should bring this back

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Reply by 1st Generation


 i still walk around with my og 3ds and yeah I dont ever see the little blue light turn on anymore. its okay tho cause its modded and im playing lego city undercover which is cooler than any streetpass puzzle piece

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Reply by candddy!


sounds like a cool game B) does a modded 3ds not work with streetpass?

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Reply by swaghaver


i walk around with mines but i rarely ever get any. also you can still get streetpasses on a modded 3ds! there's also homebrew app called netpass that allows you to simply connect to the internet and get streetpasses online ^^ maybe you'd be interested in it

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Reply by candddy!


oohhh that sounds cool, i might look into modding mine in the future but it's my first time ever owning a 3ds so i want to experience it "out of the box" so to speak for a while and then maybe mod later on!! ive heard of pretendo too for internet access, sounds cool especially for multiplayer games :3

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Reply by Jinx ♪


If you go to conventions of any kind you’re more likely to get streetpass! (Even more likely for anime and gaming!)

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