« SpaceHey Forum

anyone activve here????

Posted by zyrka


Forum: SpaceHey

hello!!! I rmbred this website existed and decided to see whats up and I came to a realisation that its very empty and dead! Winch makes me sad cuz I thought about moving here from insta and stuff...

anyway! wanted to ask how things look here bcuz I really enjoy the website itself its just not fun without people on it yk

feel free to add me and tell me whats up! 

hugs n kisses 

zyrka <3 

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4 Replies

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Reply by NosyCat


Yeah, we're here, it's just hard to tell because there aren't any notifications, so unless you check manually there's no way to know someone answered your forum posts. You do get notifications if you follow a blog, and if you're friends with someone you see their bulletins on your dashboards, so that's something.

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Reply by neo


i feel like most people forget that this site is to make friends and to blog and they get really caught up in making their layouts, which is totally fine, im not one to judge. it kinda feels like a glorified pony town where most people just sit there and look pretty and dont actually talk to anyone because were all shy introverts lol

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Reply by Alpha


I look through the site pretty often, just don't talk a whole lot. I feel like that's the case for a lot of people

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Reply by toiletdestroyer69


unrelated but i like your gyro pfp!! i love jjba

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