1. What's your nickname?
an old friend used to call me "muffles" - not much to do with my name but still counts
2. Favourite colour?
it changes constantly, but recently i've been liking a deep crimson red
3. Favourite food/drink?
chocolate or strawberry-tasting sweets and apple juice
4. If you go anywhere, where would you go?
an american high school - i'd feel like i'm in a movie
5. Any piercings/Tattoos? Or do you want any?
none, not even a basic lobe piercing, but i'd love to get snake bites
6. What's an unpopular opinion you have?
idk, i love plain food? like just straight bread, nothing on it kinda plain
7. What's your LEAST favourite band and why?
no clue, i barely remember the ones i DO like lol
8. Ok now what's your favourite band?
probably insane clown posse, korn and slipknot, at least rn
9. Do you have a fandom you're apart of?
i'm in so so many: sherlock, merlin, dc, marvel - specifically spiderman and deadpool, scooby doo, tmnt, dead boy detectives, hannibal, monster high, marble hornets, good omens, the list goes on and on
10. What's something you really wanna try but you're too scared to?
getting a piercing, going to america, going to a consort
11. Books or Movies?
both, i love love love reading, but action movies are awesome with the music hyping you up and everything
12. Staying in or going out?
staying in - i can do so much at home (mostly i don't have friends to go out with anyway but yk)
13. Are you more introverted or extroverted? Or does it depend?
i'm pretty ambiverted but i do lean a bit more introverted, probably due to the lack of social skills lol
14. What was your dream job when you were little? What about now?
i had two jobs i really wanted - a horseback police officer (where i live has loads of them) or a fiction author, now i'm thinking something in computing science, but i'm also open to the idea of becoming a psychologist
15. Did you ever have an imaginary friend?
not really, i imagined already-existing characters walking around me, but not usually interacting with me, like scooby doo
16. What's a game you made up as a child?
i don't think i had any made-up games, i spent most of my childhood reading on my own
17. Are you into horror? what movies/games do you like in that genre?
i love love analogue and psychological horror, but i haven't seen many (other than the popular ones like mandela catalogue, winter of '83, etc) but i do like the horror movies "the orphan" and "the boy"
18. Do you have a favourite flower or plant?
at the moment i quite like tulips and daisies, but i'm not a plant-owner
19. Are you into astronomy or astrology? or both?
nope, i know next to nothing about them other than i'm a pisces
20. Do you have a pet?
yes, a fat little syrian hamster named pippin, in the past i've owned a cocker spaniel dog named pebble and a goldfish named daisy