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Anyone use Storygraph?

Posted by atlas


Forum: Books and Stories

All youtubers I follow use Goodreads but I left the site 2 years ago because I just really don't enjoy using it and found myself trusting the Goodreads rating too much, Storygraph feels a lot calmer but I find it hard to find people to follow,I actually enjoyed seeing what people were reading on Goodreads, felt more like a community  sort of site.

So to anyone who uses Storygraph, do you feel the same way? My user is eddiroll in case anyone wants to add me, I mainly read fantasy and fiction, the last books I read were Fourth Wing and Iron Flame on request of a friend, and I'm currently reading Strange the Dreamer and loving the journey <3

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Reply by Sylvia


I use Storygraph too and I prefer it to Goodreads. The reviews feel more unbiased and calmer, like you said. A lot of the books on GR feel rated way too high and the reviews on Storygraph feel a bit more reliable imo.

There are communities on Storygraph but I haven't looked into them that much. I just use it to keep track of books I've read :p

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