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Best Mid 2000s Christian emo/post-hardcore

Posted by Jacob Elijah Lincoln


Forum: Music

Hey guys, 

I'm happy to say that the mid-2000s was an incredible era of emo/post-hardcore, specifically in the Christian music scene. I wanted to reflect on that era a little bit. Growing up in a small town in central Alaska, my connection with the Christian music scene was through my local Christian bookstore, MySpace/PureVolume, and the Tooth & Nail / Solid State websites. My college years were consumed were discovering new bands like Emery, Mae, Kids in the Way, Number One Gun, and more. Underoath's "They're Only Chasing Safety" introduced me to the sing/scream dichotomy of many of the post-hardcore bands of the day. Here are some other bands I loved during that time:

Dead Poetic

Chasing Victory
As Cities Burn
The Almost
Search the City
Run Kid Run

I know there's others, but that's all I can think of at this moment. Who am I missing? What did you love about the scene? Did you get to see any of these bands live? 

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