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The Appalachian Mountains (info, scary stories, ect)

Posted by Edward


Forum: Paranormal Stuff Group

I grew up deep in the Appalachian mountains; a few years ago when they started trending on the spooky side of TikTok I was thrilled, because they've been a fixation of mine for years. But I fee like a lot of people aren't well informed on what the Appalachian mountains actually are, so I want to give a brief run down:

The Appalachian mountain range is a mountain range in North America, spreading from East Tennessee to East Maine. 

Appalachian people, especially in the Southern regions, pronounce the name App-uh-latch-cha, as opposed to app-ah-lay-tia, its considered rude to pronounce it app-ah-lay-tia.

The Appalachian mountains are one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, dating 480 million years old

When Pangea split, North America got one side of the mountain range, while Ireland and Scotland got the other. The Caledonian mountain range and The Appalachian mountain range are the same, I bring this up not only because its important to understanding the history of the mountains, but also because I hear people talk about how spooky and weird the Caledonian mountains, or Ireland/Scotlands mountains as a whole are, without people understanding that its the same mountains. Just as old, just as haunted, seen just as much.

I grew up in the south, so I cant speak a lot on living in Appalachia as a whole, just my experience. 

Early settlers of Appalachia were of Irish and Scottish descent, but the Appalachian Mountains were, and continue to be the first home to many American Indigenous tribes, Cherokee being the most spoken of. 

I have a lot of stories, and I think most people have heard of the "rules of Appalachia" or how to survive in Appalachia, and those are for the most part, true. For me growing up, the most notable thing I was taught was that when the sun went down, you get the fuck and stay the fuck inside. And if you heard anything, you ignore it. If anyone has any questions or stories about Appalachia, I'd be thrilled to talk about it.

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11 Replies

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Reply by Commonwealth Paranormal


I guess I mispronounce it, but I live in the heart of Appalachia in Northeastern Kentucky.  Lots of stories in these mountains, that's for sure.

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Reply by Mirror of you


 WOW, I had no idea the mountains had so much history! I would love to hear more about these stories. 

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Reply by Kat


I have heard a ton of true crime stories of people being missing and never being found in these mountains. It's almost comes across like a Bermuda triangle situation if you Google it.

I watched a show a few years back (maybe on the History channel?) and they tried to attribute it to some supernatural being snatching up humans in national parks.

I believe the area is so vast and people either aren't prepared (starve, freeze, dehydrate) or become victim to wildlife or even worse, evil humans. I'm thinking of the AT aka Appalachian Trail I just realized.

I live in the South too and go to the mountains every now and again. I only do short day hikes with a buddy.

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Reply by adam axemurder


yeah i live here and prettyyyy much every one of my friends has a story of seeing a ghost / owning a haunted object / seeing something weird in the woods etc..... stuffs definitely weird here.

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Reply by Holland


grew up in Appalachian Mountains region & in SC back and forth, seen some weird s**t.

I've also spent half my life in Minnesota on Lake Superior, pretty spooky there in winter dead small town in the wilderness, storms with no power for days if not weeks on end, spirits & stories run deep in those lands man...

on a side note, headed to Scotland next week, I plan on spending some time up in those mountains, getting in touch with old roots. my grandmother's b-day is lined up with that stuff, gonna build her a memorial of stones, bury somethin in her place.

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Reply by valariee


i would love to hear more about thses mountains please blog more about them!!

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Reply by Edward


I dont know if anyone will be checking up on this forum, but a few people said they wanted stories, so here. Being honest, I don't have a ton of first hand experience, the thing about Appalachia is that it just feels haunted, at least for me and my family. I come from a long line of folk magic practitioners, and while i've had my far share of ghost encounters, i'd ike to share some of the stores ive heard 

Mnay men who lived up the holler i grew up in have said they've seen a "Wampus Cat" or "werewolf" type creature, including my own brother. When I was rea young, my brother came running up to the house my mom and I were staying at, tears down his face and the fear in his voice undeniable, saying that he had just seen a werwolf, or somethng from hell, in his backyard and he had no other way to describe it. My mom told us a lot of other men who have lived up here have described similar 

When my mom was a little girl, she used to hear someone knocking coming from inside  the old tin shed in her aunts yard, and it would only ever happen when the kids were completely alone and playing outside 

sorry if these stories suck, i have more but this is just for starters. hope theyre interesting 

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Reply by John


I had no idea the Appalachian and Caledonian mountains were connected, that is such a fascinating piece of history. It really puts the whole ancient and haunted vibe into perspective knowing they have both been around since Pangea.

The rules of Appalachia you mentioned sound so eerie and intriguing, especially the part about staying inside after dark and ignoring what you hear. Do you have any specific stories or experiences growing up that highlight why those rules are so important? 

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Reply by Edward


this is for john, asking me about certain Appalachian rules. I dont use spacehey a lot, so i dont know if theres a way to reply to one specific message. lol. But here we go

No first hand experience with this one, apart from my grandmother being extremely adamant about it. But i believe it stems from a Cherokee myth about "flesh meanderers" or a specific entity thats considered bad to even name, but theyre very popular on tiktok and other online horror spaces, so you can probably put it together. 

A key rule about Appalachia is there is something that will try to mimic you if you are not careful. If you hear your name being called and you are alone at night it is NOT a loved one and it is something trying to lure you in.  A thing i find even more interesting is indigenous communities  outside of the Cherokee region also have a similar legend, including but not limited to the Inuit for example. This is where the "dont look in the trees" stems from too. there are things in the trees at night that you do not want to see. But no first hand experience with this one either. Just creepy to hear all the time as kids and getting very strong warnings from elders without a real explanation, just dont. 

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Reply by Grimm


Oh man what a thriller of a thread. I'm Canadian, and grew up around a lot of paranormal stories. Generally similar things of "Don't go out at night in the woods" and when i was out in the forest a few times at night, I saw some creepy shit. One time me and my dad were driving and this shadowy figure rushed across the road right before we could hit it. Super weird. I've seen demonic goatlike things that tried to force its way inside, at least 12ft tall. Believe or dont believe, shits scary. Please tell me more about your stories!!

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Reply by Johnson Dani


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