For me personally virtual school is really awful and I wish I could return to public school but that's probably just me. I really do not wanna discourage you from something you might need but I can just give some fair warnings ,,,, i hope you have a great attention span and a wonderful relationship with your family and a way to socialize so you don't entirely forget social skills and turn out quite lonely like i did,, and i do wish you the best
However I guess it varies on the person a lot. If virtual school seems super appealing, and you think you will do mentally better instead of the inverse in online school then go for it. If it's beneficial, I'll never stop you. I have this one other friend who is doing virtual school and she hasn't really complained.
And a heads up, I recommend going outside a lot and trying to go to as many irl social gatherings as possible if you do online school. isolation will cause or worsen severe depression and anxiety, speaking from experience
[edit this seems angry I promise it's not at all, im sorry I'm not really good with tone]