on places like tiktok and instagram, people started using the word y2k as a fashion aesthetic and all they wear are crop tops with stars on them, baggy pants and fucking sunglasses??
its not your "y2k aesthetic" its literally minimalizm
on places like tiktok and instagram, people started using the word y2k as a fashion aesthetic and all they wear are crop tops with stars on them, baggy pants and fucking sunglasses??
its not your "y2k aesthetic" its literally minimalizm
Yeah it’s mostly just a generalization of what clothing was like back in 2000s. It’s the same way we associate big baggy white tees and pogs with the 90s. Or suits and the beehive hairstyle with the 60s. It’s just people trying to recreate the fashion of an era they didn’t experience/have nostalgia for.
REALLL and my friend @ school is one of those people ToT it kinda bugs me but well what am i supposed to say
goddd real af
they don't even do anything with their hair or accessorize really it's like do you even know what you're trying to emulate? i get we all do it differently and maybe that's just how they wanna do it or whatever but it's giving trendhopping tbh
If they saw a real outfit from the 2000s they probably wouldn't even like it lol
These people should do more research on trends in the late 90s to early 2000s (as they share similar concepts and transitional periods).
Like Evan Collin's Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute on Y2K Aesthetic:
Also Wacky PoMo (that happened at the same time):
As for fashion, Pinterest has lots of magazine scans. It shoudln't just be a general ideal of what it is coming from TikTok (although I don't mind some interpreations, but they could be more insteresting).
Delia's catalogs scans (cool outfits for young people):
Alloy - Holiday 1998: https://www.flickr.com/photos/missjille/albums/72157651337202470/
And a random 2000 catalog:
(I've found all of this by doing some digging and it wans't too hard to find. TikTok is still trash in my opinion). :P
ONG i hate this so muchh. I wish ppl would do their research bcuz most 2000s clothing looks wacky and they probably wouldn't even like it xD but I get it cuz ig its just a modernization of the 2000s but still, it pisses me off when they claim its "y2k" at least make up a different word for it like "Modern y2k." lmaoo.
People nowadays don’t know aesthetics properly. If they actually saw Y2K fshion they would think it’s “too much”.
and also people dont know the difference between vaporwave and synthwave. Its so annoying.
There's already a word for the "modern y2k" and it's not y2kcore (i fucking hate the core suffix).
It's Neo Y2K.
It is annoying because fashion company co op this trend and fill up the women's section with this poorly made shit that no one would actually wear as everyday clothes.
How hard it is to give me a good, normal top and some jeans.
I stopped caring about tiktok fashion trends when I saw "Clean pastel goth" tbh :/
Funny thing is that you could be a minimalist in the early 2000's too. In fact, most "normal" people were... What a lot of people do when they try to recreate an old fashion style is that they do everything over the top, which wasn't at all common with most people in the time they are recreating. However I do agree that what people are calling "y2k" today isn't at all what it really means. The word was used in fashion and designs as a futuristic concept, and I haven't seen a lot of people promoting futurism in fashion these days, since they're trying to make the clothes look old lol.
And don't even get me started about the people who think clothes from the whole 00's decade are "y2k"