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[HELP] blog code being deleted

Posted by lazyComputer


Forum: Helping each other

I'll be honest, I tried to embed a widget game on a blog post using an iframe as I know iframes worked on my partner's profile, does it not on blogs? It just didnt show up on the actual blog post even though it worked in the editor. Are there certain tags that spacehey will block and is there a way around it? If it's up for a good reason though, I will stop my shenanigans!

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Reply by Gluma


I'm not too sure on my answer but while <iframe> does work in SpaceHey, I've really only seen it successfully used for music on profiles (and blogs/bulletins). While I've seen a few people use the tag for games, I've never seen it work :P so idk maybe that's just a specific issue there. SpaceHey will also auto-delete parts of a tag that don't work (whether that's through user error OR because SpaceHey just doesn't allow it), though that's probably not the problem since you said it works on the editor

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Reply by lazyComputer


yeah i know they have a list of which sites support being embedded but i guess im interested in how/why that works like that? like why does it work in the editor but the second i switch over to the real post, its cut out? maybe theres a filter or something, i dont even want to get around it i think im just fascinated how it works!!

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Reply by Gluma


Hm, yeah, that’s out of my range of knowledge lol that question seems more so directed at An and anyone else who knows the inner workings of the site :0

My personal guess for why SpaceHey allows certain tags/other HTML stuff is probably just to make the site more simple to manage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As for the editor, it seems like Neocities is a popular choice for SpaceHey editors (well...I only really know of two LMAO) so that might explain why you’re allowed to code something on the editor but not in the actual site...? Idk much about Neocities that’s just a guess

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