« Helping each other Forum

Hey there! I am new here. How did you guys do the background and animation CSS?

Posted by Abigblueworld


Forum: Helping each other

For the experimented people

How did you guys do the background-image and animation scripts?

I know div pretty well, and so as other simple HTML programs, but I also don't like using layout templates or that stuff!

So, can you tell me how to do it? 

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7 Replies

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Reply by pawtals!


What are you specifically referring to?

I can't tell if you're asking for advice on making an animated background or how the animation property works.

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Reply by Abigblueworld



And sorry for my confusing undertone, it's autism.

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Reply by pawtals!


Well for animated backgrounds, usually it's one of two things:

  • A static background which is animated via animating background-position.
  • A background with a gif as an image source.

For the animation tag, you will need to use @keyframes to make the actual skeleton for your animation by using percentage values to dictate what properties it will change over time.

@keyframes exampleAnimation {

    0% {

        opacity: 1;


     100% {

        opacity: 0;



Once you have your keyframes done, you will use the actual animation tag on the element you want to animate and configure accordingly.

animate: exampleAnimation 1s forwards ease-out;

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Reply by Abigblueworld


You broke my brain @Pawtails

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Reply by pawtals!


Reply by Abigblueworld


I don't know, you just make me beyond confused

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Reply by pawtals!


Well if I had to summarize, if you see anything moving on someone's page it's either a gif or a div that has an animation assigned to it. 

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