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tamanotchi site info

hi!! i just wanted to share a small presentation that I made on canva about tamanotchi stuff. it has information like what items you can get, click "amounts" (<- idk what to call em' lol) that make your tamanotchi grow up, etc.

if any information in here is wrong, feel free to let me know so i can try to fix it. (im not online all the time, so if i dont respond to any comments that get made, sorry!) and if this is somehow against your guys' rules, once again lmk so i can just take this down. wont be a problem!!


above is the public view link i made for the lil presentation. you can't edit it or anything, you're only able to go through it. anyway, i just wanted to share this!! hopefully this is the right place to post this. have a good day, you all! :D

(the link for visiting a random tamanotchi is https://tamanotchi.world/random.php if anyone needs it un-attached to the sentence.)

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Reply by osiris


this is so cool and helpful!! i've been wondering when my tamanotchi would grow

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