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What's your DREAM job?!

After so many years, I finally found a job I am really enjoying. I work in a microbiology lab and do lab testing! This wasn't even on my "dream job" list, I just happened to land an interview one day and here I am now...finally not dreading going to work every morning. 

Anyone else have any fun stories about their current or future dream job?

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Reply by Hope Jones


my dream job when i was younger was to be a marine biologist. after settling inland, i realized it wasn't particularly a feasible goal (and i was originally a social work major due to this, decided against it), but i am now going to school for freshwater sciences!! i really wanna do aquatic field research and am very much looking forward to spending my life wading around, collecting samples, and observing our aquatic life. :3 

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Reply by Hope Jones


my dream job when i was younger was to be a marine biologist. after settling inland, i realized it wasn't particularly a feasible goal (and i was originally a social work major due to this, decided against it), but i am now going to school for freshwater sciences!! i really wanna do aquatic field research and am very much looking forward to spending my life wading around, collecting samples, and observing our aquatic life. :3 

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Reply by ATLAS


I want to be a video game concept artist! Always been obsessed with reading through art books of alot of games I like and I've always liked seeing the countless sketches and rendering of props,enviroments, and characters that never made it in the final product of the finished game.

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Reply by Ruth Blon



wake me up and my job is music.

but that almost never happens to people with no industry connection or who aren't the daughter/grand daughter/etc. of "someone".

but you know, I'm always going to try and in the meantime I'll be happy making my music in my little world hahah

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Reply by Queen


I'd love to have a job where I take care of animals, any job in nature would make me happy I think

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Reply by Lenny Chromatic


Pet artist. I draw pictures, I show it to the rich person who let me live somewhere in their mansion like I'm a mysterious druid, they say WOW, I get money. It was a thing sometime in the history, but I forgot when, maybe it was the renaissance? I know about it from my artist friends, all of us would like to be a pet artist... xD

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