I have no idea where else to post this, so I'm just putting it in the Life tag.
Now this is mainly about my parents and how they've raised my siblings and me. When I was either 8 or 9, I got my first iPad; it was my mom's old one she used for school at the time, and she knew I wanted to play games on it like all my other friends at school. Now, when she gave it to me, I got the typical "Don't talk to strangers" lecture, but that was about it. She never bothered to check it or anything. Now for the most part I did play games on it, normal things, but then one day I looked up girls kissing on Google like every queer kid did at the time and went down a rabbit hole. I eventually developed a porn addiction a few months after she gave me that tablet.
At 10, she gave me my first phone, a shitty, hand-me-down Android. For the first few weeks I did my normal stuff, such as watch YouTube, watch Lesbo porn, and eventually got into Creepypasta. It all went downhill after that. At age 11, the good year of 2015, I got into creepypasta, Undertale, being constantly groomed, sending nudes to men between the ages of 19 and 73, cutting myself, and getting deeper into my porn addiction. I just became an absolute mess; at 13, I was starting to sell my nudes and even call these men, whom they would pay me for, developing binge eating disorder to cope with how shitty I felt. And despite my mother and father catching me multiple times talking to these men and doing these things, the most they did was take away my phone for a few days. Nothing was really done about it, so now I'm some hypersexual C-PTSD trauma-filled 17-year-old that has paranoid delusions, and it doesn't help that my mom is bipolar, my bio-dad has NPD, and that schizophrenia runs in the family as well. Of course there were other things going on in life, but I do think being consistently online during those years was not helping.
So with all of this, you would think that maybe my mom would be a little more careful when it comes to exposing her kids to the internet, right? WRONG!! She's gotten worse. She doesn't even have a real excuse this time; she's in a loving and healthy relationship with my stepdad; there's no reason for her kids to be stuck to a screen to be 'distracted' anymore.
I have two younger siblings, L and R. I absolutely adore them, but they're so cooked. R is 9 years old, and since BIRTH has been stuck to a phone or iPad, at least I got some childhood memories not centered around a screen. She's nine and twerks, is worried about her skincare, hates having body hair, curses, makes sex jokes with her other little friends, talks about wanting an older boyfriend to take care of her, feels like shes fat even though shes around 75-80lbs (34-36kg), is worried about being flat chested and wants to stuff her bra, and wears WAY to reveling clothing while doing tiktok dances with her friends. SHES 9 LIKE YEAH, I WAS FUCKED TOO, BUT ALSO, I WAS STILL MORE OF A LITTLE KID THAN HER!!!
My brother, who is 7, L, is mentally disabled along with being deaf for most of his life so far. We finally just got his ears done so he can 100% hear now. HOWEVER, just like R, a screen was shoved in his face the moment my parents could do it. He can hardly talk, which is expected, but he still had about 80% of his hearing since he was 5. Instead of my parents sitting down with him and trying to teach him how to read, write, talk, learn his colors, or any actual life skills, they SCREAM at him and then tell him to watch TV. Because they don't want to deal with him. I have so many memories of my brother trying to simply find comfort in my mother, but instead she screams (and I mean screaming) at him to "Shut the fuck up!" and locks herself in the bathroom to smoke weed for hours. My father isn't much better. I love him; don't get me wrong. He was there when my biological father wasn't. SD (stepdad) will always be my father, but he's just as guilty as my mother. He doesn't yell or scream like my mom, but when my brother is struggling to understand or say something, he gets frustrated and grabs him by the ears, shaking his head while my brother cries at him to stop while degrading him, calling him things like dumbass, dipshit, retard, stupid, or any degrading name like that in the book. Then proceed to shove his face in a screen so they don't have to deal with him.
Now you might be thinking, "Jade, what does all of this have to do with millennials or Gen X? This is just you bitching about your parents."
Well, glad you asked! Because parents will do this to their kids and then proceed to question why their young kids are acting like this. Why their children are mentally behind, why their kids are having behavior issues, why their kids are acting like misbehaving teenagers rather than little kids. Because instead of actually interacting with their kids, they shove a screen in their faces without any restrictions or monitoring. This isn't just Gen Alpha or Gen X; it's also Gen Z. We were exposed to such horrific things, and look how the majority of us turned out. NOT THAT GREAT!
No matter how much I explain this to my parents, they don't care. My father pretends to and claims he'll try and figure something out but never does, and my mom claims that I was perfectly fine on the internet and that I'm just some fun hating Nazis and how my kids are going to despise me in the future because I won't allow them unmonitored on the internet at a young age.
I'm just so upset at the older generational parents and their obvious neglect with their kids, then proceed to blame everyone but themselves or just completely ignore the situation.
I love my siblings; I love them to death. I love tucking them in at night, playing with my sister, playing roblox with them, playing tag, and making them food whenever they're hungry.
But I won't be surprised if they end up fucked up, failed, and left behind in the future. I only have 9 months to teach them how to properly act before I'm sent away, and my schedule is already packed, so I don't know what to do. Because my mom and dad won't act like parents when it's inconvenient to them, I have to.