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am I a form of asexual or just a loony?

Posted by DALLAS!!!<3🍉


Forum: Romance and Relationships


So my case is kind of a strange one, and I’ve never articulated it fully out loud (bear with me if this is all over the place)

I say I’m bisexual because I’ve fallen in love with both men and women, but I’m not physically attracted to either. Like, I can recognize when someone is attractive, but I myself, am not attracted to them (if that makes any sense). I don’t even think people are attractive even after I’ve fallen for ‘em. It’s not like they’re ugly, just me personally, don’t find any physical features of any person “hot” I guess. I pretend all the time around other people though. Like if they find someone attractive I’ll say something like “good lord they’re fine” when I really and truly don’t actually see the hype.

This also kind goes for the sexual as well in a way. I’m a person who struggles with hypersexuality due to past sexual trauma, but I can’t seem to get horny from other people. Like- nudes do nothing, touching does nothing, dirty talk does nothing, etc. Other people just aren’t attractive to me in that way. 

I still feel romantic attraction to both genders, but I still don’t get turned on when they try anything. I’m not sure if I’m some weird form of Asexual or if I’m just a freak (lmao).

It’s really frustrating to try and receive advice for this because it’s so hard to explain without sounding like a loony,, but I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar, and if so how’d you deal with it?

(Sorry for ranting)

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5 Replies

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Reply by pyrope


from what you wrote, it does kinda sound like your biromantic and asexual

though this is just an assumption, so please do take this with a grain of salt ^-^

i totally understand your possible asexuality being caused by your hypersexuality, if I'm being honest my asexuality was likely caused by my desensitization of sexual things at a relatively young age >~<

i wish you luck on your journey of self discovery !!! :]

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Reply by Ho'olheyak (pawtals)


Are you in any way addicted to pornography?

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Reply by DALLAS!!!<3🍉



I was at a very young age, now it literally doesn't do anything for me

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Reply by Tyler i guess


fyi it's extremely common to be both aspec and hypersexual, especially if it's rooted in an ACE (adverse childhood event); I've been trying to figure this shit out my whole life and I'm almost 30 with no avail idk if that helps or makes it worse

EDIT: i did not realize you are a minor (in the US at least) when I first responded. Please be very very careful for your own sake about disclosing CSA online; a lot of people will use it to be creepy under the guise of "helping" you

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Reply by Gluma


"I’m not sure if I’m some weird form of Asexual or if I’m just a freak" the way this is phrased is so funny this is gonna be on my mind forever

As the others have said, I think you're likely aspec. Specifically, what pyrope suggested. Of course, labels are labels and if you don't find certain ones to fit, you're not forced to take them! Labels can also change over time as well :0

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