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Suggestion: Blog Layout

Posted by zombecca


Forum: SpaceHey

Okay so I know spacehey is supposed to be faithful to myspace, but if we've already gotten like 95% there with the faithfulness (excluding 5% for currently missing features), why can't we make it better?

So, what if we could add a layout to blogs? Editable just like the profile one and everything. Or if that's too much, maybe even just a continuation of background images/colors from OP's profile? 

It might balance the flashbang you get from switching from a darker profile to the comically bright blog page. Not to mention how the atmosphere of "this is my blog, not yours" could be carried much better if the blogpage itself had a bit of the personality that the profile page does.

Just a thought, no reason to get into wars over it. People are dying in real ones anyways.

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Reply by Gluma


Well, blogs are already customizable anyway, right? There are indeed blog layouts in the Layout page, though they’re obviously not as popular as profile layouts u_u The <> button on the toolbar when making a blog switches you to HTML mode where you can paste <style> tags all you want :o

I like the idea of a blog taking a profile’s background color! Though, I truly just want a dark mode version of SpaceHey tbh...the flash bang is definitely annoying :/

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Reply by zombecca


ok so i have no idea what made me forget to check if blog layout existed. i think i'm gonna blame it on the addy i popped to crunch some homework... which i still haven't done yet oh shit

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