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The Music GO! Media Player - A Player That Doesn't Spend So Many Resources

Posted by Generic_Dev


Forum: HexaGon Programming Studio Group

Music GO! is an advanced media player for low-resource devices, the idea of Music GO! is that you can listen to music freely without spending so many resources, Music GO! has been highly optimized, removing unnecessary things such as animations or effects to save resources and make the user be able to play a video or a song quickly and smoothly.

"Work in the background" function

One of the functions that Music GO brings is what I like to call "Work in the background" this function makes Music GO continue playing the music but spending even fewer resources, the operation of this function is as follows:

To activate the function, you will have to click on a button, doing so will make it seem as if the window has closed, but it is not, really Music GO! is in the background, being in the background then you will spend less resources since you will not have to load data such as resources, also, if you have a playlist and want to change to the next song,  Well, you won't have to open the window again, because in the lower right corner of the screen, in the "Hidden icons" section, you can find the Music GO! icon, and when you click right on it you can find a drop-down menu with basic functions such as open, pause, play, next, previous, etc. All without the need to reopen the window again, making the experience smoother and easier.

Navigation tabs

Another of the functions that were added to Music GO! was the tabs, to navigate between the application you can navigate through the tabs, where so far there are only 3:

  1. My main page: This tab is the tab where the application opens, in this we can find a list, in this list will be all the multimedia elements that you have opened with Music GO recently, and when you double click on any of them, they will be added to the current playlist. This function is a kind of history which was created so that you don't have to search for the song among your files, but simply by double-clicking you could listen to your favorite song. And if you want, you can delete this history with a simple button.
  2. Playlist: It works just like any other playlist of any media player, it has 3 buttons to edit the items of the playlist, the first one is the "Delete List" which makes the entire playlist be deleted and empty, the next one is "Delete selected item" as its name says,  delete the media item you currently have selected, and the last one is "Add Media" which adds a new item to the playlist. This playlist can contain as many songs as the user wants and can be scrolled through in a very smooth and easy-to-understand way.
  3. Media player: If the user has not yet chosen any song or video, then a completely black screen will be seen, but if the user has chosen a video then the video will be seen normally, while if the user chooses a music element, then a graph will be seen, a waveform, which would basically be a visual representation of the audio signal that shows the amplitude of the sound over time,  Very nice. And of course, if you double-click the player, or press the F key then it will go full screen.

Some eye-catching features or extras

Music GO! brings with it a wide variety of functions, some more functional than others, but some might interest you, some of these functions, or extras are:

  1. Balance Sheet Control
  2. Volume control
  3. Playback speed control
  4. Fullscreen
  5. Work in the background
  6. Pin Window to Screen
  7. Song/Video Info

The idea is that Music GO! has a lot of functions, but trying to make sure that none of them affect the performance of either the player or the computer.

Objective of the "Music GO!"

The objective of the Music GO! multi-player is that it is not just another player, but that it is a different player from the others that are on the internet, the objective is that it is a player that uses few resources, but that is fluid and fast, so that it is fast and does not waste so many resources, it had to eliminate elements that today look very nice in modern interfaces but that waste a lot of refinements, things like animations, visual effects, and rounded edges, things that a lot of people don't really care about; a media player can spend a lot of resources, but Music GO! doesn't, Music GO! spends few resources, for example:

"You could use Music GO! to listen to music while playing your favorite video game, and so that it doesn't affect the game's performance, you put Music GO! in the background using the "Work is Second" feature and you can enjoy your game without it wasting resources you need to play."

There are thousands of low-income computers, not all of them have the same money to buy a PC Gamer, and that's why Music GO! was created, for those people who love music and want to listen to it without wasting as many resources as other media players, and it doesn't matter if you have a good computer, a PC Gamer,  it doesn't matter, you can use Music GO! but still without spending so many resources, as everything counts.

One thing that should also be clarified is that although the visual effects such as animations have been removed, Music GO! has an intuitive, easy-to-recognize, simple and modern interface.


Music GO! will be compatible with computers from Windows 7 to Windows 11, as long as they have Net Framework 4.0, since the project is based on it, without Net Framework, it would not work since it is programmed entirely in VB.NET

Soon it will be tested using virtual machines with different Windows operating systems, and it will even be possible to make it possible to use it in Windows Vista or XP, although of course, almost no one uses them anymore.

The "Music GO!" project is still in BETA and not available to the public

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