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Safe places to upload images?

Posted by jayde


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech


soo to upload images onto spacehey (like in blog posts and such) it seems like you need a url. i am not a very techy person, but i figure this means i need to upload the image to a website and grab the url there. 

what are some safe sites/places to upload images to? preferably free >x<

or are there easier ways to add images to spacehey? the images are on my iphone, im using a dell chromebook. i do have the mobile app, but im not good at navigating it. 

i just wanna add cute pics to my profile and to my blog posts Xp anything helps cause im super new to spacehey and not good at this!!

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Reply by suki


imgbb is what I use https://imgbb.com

if you want to transfer stuff from your phone to computer you could try https://snapdrop.net

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Reply by kirbzz


the most trustable image hosting sites ive seen are filegarden.com and catbox.moe! they both have their ups and downs it appears to me, though i use filegarden much more due to seeing it first so i don't know much about catbox.

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