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What's a game no one has ever heard of that you love?

Posted by bendcash


Forum: Games

I'll go first, the Wipeout games on Kinect. They were based on this show called Wipeout which I love, it was like an obstacle course show like American Ninja Warrior but way goofier and honestly more fun to watch. They made a couple video games based on it for Xbox 360 and they all used the Kinect, and I think they're pretty fun, but they're so obscure that nobody ever talks about them. They're not amazing or anything, but I wish more people knew about them so that I could finally have someone to talk about this kinda shit with.

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Reply by JohnnyBoy


I think Post Void, it's a doomlike, roguelike game with retro graphics and it's cool af 

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Reply by Lucas the idiot :3


Its a pretty old flash game called: Jinx's Xmas adventure!

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Reply by bendcash


Oh don't even get me started on flash games. (That's code for please get me started on flash games)

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Reply by Sword Lover


Closest thing I can think of is ATM is Zelda Tri Force Heroes. I much prefer it over the open world Zeldas and like the extra missions a lot.

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