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what pokemon games have you guys been playing?

Posted by mothman


Forum: Pokemon Group

ive personally been trying to replay pokemon omega ruby - i played it as a kid when it first came out and it holds a lot of nostalgic value... but id also like to start up pokemon rumble rush or replay explorers of sky at some point in time.

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Reply by Miscellanity


explorers of sky is the shit. For some reason I can't ever seem to finish it fully because I want to keep restarting it lol. I was like that with a majority of the games. Idk why kid me was weird lol. I haven't played much Pokemon recently but I currently playing violet, and cafe remix

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Reply by dirt


Right now I'm playing leaf green! iirc i've just finished the third gym.

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Reply by Oliver Espinoza


I appreciate there's expanded content in Explorers of Sky!  I've completed Explorers of Darkness and loved it so much!  I'm currently playing SoulSilver, using KaeruDNS on melonDS emulator to use WFC features ^^  I'm up to play and share some rescues or some of these games WFC features!

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