Target because I grew up with it, although it is true that Walmart has a lot more stuff (...I think? At least that’s how it is in my area). However, I’ve been to Walmart a couple of times in my entire life and I’ve hated every second of it LMAO it’s not even any employees or customers that I hate; it’s just the general vibe the store has. The bright lights and loads of people give me sensory issues but I don’t know exactly why since I’ve been to Target during holiday season before and you’d think I’d feel the same way (not like Target during that time isn’t overwhelming, but it never gave me an actual headache like Walmart does). I guess Walmart feels a lot to me and therefore, I feel like a prey animal exposed in the middle of a field or something LOL. I also just don’t like the grayness Walmart has (dunno know if that’s universal to all Walmarts but definitely hate mine).