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have any conventionally unattractive lesbian people been able to find a partner?

has anyone who is conventionally unattractive and a lesbian been able to find a partner? if so how? I just wanna know if there's hope for me ;_;

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Reply by Archer27


I think it's good to be a little ugly when dating; it means you won't attract vain people. By being ugly, unless your future partner has some strange fetish, it naturally follows that whoever you attract must be capable of seeing more than physical beauty.

I fell in love with an artist, and a beautiful mind, and by appreciating that beauty I couldn't help but find their physical traits beautiful as well. I believe if my past loves were to be examined "objectively" (if there's ever a thing), they might be said to be too pimply, or too asymmetrical to be "conventionally attractive", but I think that when you can find the beauty in virtue and character, its impossible to even pay attention to the physical features.


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Reply by uncannyCharlie


This is such a wonderful response i wanna cry 

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Reply by e


even though it's been 3-4 years since my last rship, as someone who grew up being teased for my looks, i had luck with one lesbian relationship! but it only lasted a few months and i havent had much luck since (partially due to not trying and also giving up with maintaining my looks)... so i'd say it really is 50/50.... ~_~ i'm wishing u the best of luck in the future and know that you will find someone!!

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