« Romance and Relationships Forum

use this topic to post your personals!

Posted by benny


Forum: Romance and Relationships

hi, i'm Benny, and i'm not actively looking for a relationship right now, but i wanted to run an experiment for those who are actually looking to use Spacehey to date or make connections! i want to gage effectiveness, compared to using legitimate dating apps & meeting people in person. (i might make a retro dating app, with no stupid expensive premium, depending on the results i get.)

this is the example template i came up with, although you can add or subtract any information:

name: Benny

age and/or age range: early 20s

what you like to talk about: weird shit (both the online & offline kind, i'm talkin' cabinets of curiosity, collections & paraphernalia, personally curated link directories), art, the oceans & other ecologies     

appearance+: chubby-average bod, red messy-wavy hair (dyed, it's light brown naturally), hazel eyes, nerdy ass glasses, grunge/idc ass everything else, i wear whatever's comfy & a cool jacket and my cool boots with the flame decoration   

pronouns: he/him/his, generally, and there's an additional set of pronouns to use if you're also queer you could IM me, if you were curious

sexuality and/or looking for: i repeat, i'm not looking for anyone right now, but if i were; a cute-ish lanky/soft (but not buff, i dislike the Gym Bro) guy, down for cuddling, down for urbex & other exploration, down to talk about the weird shit, willing to engage in deep (or, y'know, whatever) conversation without being pretentious or elitist w/ me or people who aren't willing to do so,

boundaries and/or dealbreakers: don't lie to me about anything, even in small ways (i really, really fw with honesty to what some might call an extreme), i don't care if you smoke or drink as long as you don't smoke right next to me and you don't try and get me to drink

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