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Posted by Megurou Nakane


Forum: Life

This semester just ended basically, but I can't stop thinking on how lonely I was during this months. I entered a new group and it was harder to socialize when everyone already has an established social dynamic. 

I'm not like shy or anything, but I had a problem with a team I did a work with, the team was huge, like 9 people, and I felt like they didn't want to talk to me again, so there go 9 people.

This group's subject was so hard for me, and I started self-sabotaging on this, because I kind of felt a little shame of myself because the quality of homework I was handing in, some people were so judgemental on that; and though normally I wouldn't mind that, it aggravated the imposter syndrome, which made me feel like not talking to anyone as I felt like the one who couldn't do an assignment right. But well, that was just a quick vent, the semester ended and I don't have to think a lot about that

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