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Remembering the lost internet, Gopher,Web 1,0, New thing Gemini Internet Protocal

I notices over the last few years a lot oretro projects and emulations, as we watch the internet get worse, Google AI is less smart then my AIML chatbot. Though I am curious anyone besides me check out a new internet format that is a super charged Gopher nad not quite Web 1,0 but has some features that gopher never had what do you all think?

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Reply by pastelprincess01


yep, i'm on gemini too!! i've been poking around there for the past year or so, since i found this group and learned about yesterweb. recently set up a gem-capsule and the formatting is a whole lot easier than html ^_^ there are some constraints to work around, but i think that encourages creative thinking

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Reply by Winky


It's gun isn't a few more security features, I wish evey tech guy would stop naming things Gemini lol

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