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Why are lead singers so hard to find

Posted by Aussie


Forum: Music

I'm currently starting a band. We have me on guitar and my two other mates on drums and bass. We have been talking about getting a lead singer or frontman/woman for ages since our singing capabilities are limited, but it seems like there's a lack of rock and metal singers. Does anyone else have this issue or am I just not looking in the right places? Should I be a rat and steal a singer off another band? 

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Reply by Ruth Blon


i think the best places to find singers are all those instagram accounts you can find by searching “vocal/vocals”.

there are singer/vocalist communities on reddit too.

and i think the key word in general to find vocalists somewhere is “vocal cover”. it's not only the word that singers without bands use to share their stuff, but it's even the way many vocalists have been found (most recent example, Alex Terrible, who used to make vocal covers all on youtube)

hope this helps : )

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Reply by Aussie


I never knew about this before, tysm!!

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