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is there any codes to change the "people id like to meet" text (+ the content) and also the frinds names?

font size and color. i only figured out how to do the about me but cant do anything else

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Reply by Gluma


For changing the People I'd Like To Meet header:

.blurbs .inner .section:last-of-type h4{



.blurbs .inner .section:last-of-type h4:after{

content:"*type whatever here*";



This code was shamelessly stolen and tweaked from this blog post lmao

For changing the content within that specific section:

.profile .blurbs .section:nth-child(2) {

*treat this as you would with coding any other section. since you mentioned font size and color, I'll put in the code for those here as examples*

color: *insert color name or hex code here*;

font-size: *insert any number of pixels (ex: 5px, 30px, 72px, etc.)*;


As for changing friend names, there's this layout for that.

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