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notification icon gone

Posted by lenorenoir


Forum: SpaceHey

hey so i just joined this site and i went to customize some stuff and i must have screwed up because i dont have the bell icon anymore. is there an alternative way of viewing notifications? and also i need help change the font color and size from the contents of my about me/looking for (not the headers)

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Reply by Gluma


Hm, for the bell notification, does it still show up when you exit your profile? Because if not, I'm outta luck on that :p might just be a site error and I'd message/email SpaceHey about that. However, if it doesn't show only on your profile, then look at this code:

nav .links li .icon {

content: url('*insert direct image/gif URL here*');


That's the code for changing the bell icon. You don't have to use it if you don't want to, however if you want the original icon back, I'd suggest looking for any code within your profile that looks similar to this one (specifically look for any lines that have "nav .links li .icon"). Though, if you can't find any similar lines, I'd also suggest deleting your code line by line when you get a notification until the icon shows up again. You can find exactly what line is causing the issue by doing that :0 have your code saved somewhere before doing this tho

As for the About Me, here's the code (I saw your other forum post so I know you already know how to do it but I'm still pasting the code in case it helps others :o):

.profile .blurbs .section:nth-child(1) {

color: *insert color name or hex code here*;

font-size: *insert pixel size here (ex: 3px, 20px, 54px, etc.)*;


However, the font-size property also affects the header, so if you just wanna change the content's size, use the <font> HTML tag. Do not put the tag in the <style> tags. For example, if you wanna make the About Me text bigger:

<font size="50px">This text is whatever you already wrote in the About Me section.</font>

Here's what it'll actually look like if I actually used the code.

And voila! The content's size will change while the header remains the same size :D

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