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Why isn’t my fucking loading screen working

Posted by Lilay ✓⃝


Forum: SpaceHey

I’m using imgbb on html thumbnail linked with a gif, too embarrassed to show (autism lmao) but I put the link and it’s not doing anything (I’m using the code to put the link in to make loading screens) please what am I doing wrong and how to make it work??? 

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Reply by Lilay ✓⃝


Also I apologize for my French (my swearing) I’m just really stressed out and there’s not much helpful shit (did it again lol sorry :P)

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Reply by Gluma


maybe it’s because I just woke up but I don’t think I understand what the first part of your post means (“html thumbnail linked with a gif”) so my apologies if I’m missing something here

Anyway, since I don’t use loading screens, I’ve been using this loading screen code to test stuff out. Dunno if it’s different or the same from your code, which is why I’m linking to it just in case. You can change the code’s current image by replacing the background-image’s URL link with some other direct image URL of your choice. I have never used ImgBB but there should be an option to copy the image’s direct URL. After that, it should appear. At least, that’s how it was for me :o

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Reply by Lilay ✓⃝


Awesome thanks, what I mean by the HTML thing is that it’s on imgbb but I don’t know where to put my video hosting to make it work. I guess imgbb doesn’t work so I need a new thing to make it work, new site. But I don’t wanna make the vid hosting public so idk where to find a site

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Reply by Gluma


I personally use PostImages for any images and gifs I used :o you don't have to make an account on that site if you don't want to. When uploading, you don't have the option to make an image public or private (if you're doing it w/o an account, dunno about if you have one) but since you can't search for any images there without the link to it, I'm gonna assume private is the default

Though, I really feel like it should work with ImgBB just fine, too. You mentioned "video hosting" so, unless you accidently used the wrong word or something, is what you're linking to a video...? Because if so, the code isn't gonna work :o it has to be an image/gif link.

I can't really think of any other issue here without seeing the code itself, so I'll also suggest trying a different image/gif on ImgBB and seeing if that one works in the code, just so you can possibly pinpoint the exact problem (if it works, the issue is probably with the specific image you're trying to link, which is...odd :o if it doesn't work, the issue could be user error OR ImgBB truly does suck for whatever reason lmao maybe the site's having a bad day today)

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Reply by Lilay ✓⃝


Awesome, thank you so much really. I’ll test it out! 

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Reply by Lilay ✓⃝


Ok so I just tested it out and it works now!!! Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day :D 

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Reply by Gluma


No problem! Same for you, too ^^

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