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how do you find D&D players ?

Posted by martin/benrey


Forum: Games

ive have been wanting to play dungeons n dragons but i only know one other person that plays it and it's hard to find players cause i wanna befriend people befoore playing a session with them x'( soo i'd rlly like tips on where i could look for other d&d players to talk to!!!

also wanted 2 post this as a forum so other people could see what's suggested and hopefully find players and friends too x) ! i don't want anyone else being lonely 

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Reply by swaghaver


i kinda started getting into it bc there was a dnd club at my high school. i did like maybe three very short campaigns and for the most part i started it knowing no one and ended it with new friends! or maybe you could see if any of your current friends would be down with forming a group to play, i've done that before and it was pretty fun with none of us knowing what we were doing

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