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Ideas for spacehey

Posted by Nehueeen


Forum: SpaceHey

These are some ideas I have for SpaceHey:

  • in instant messaging there could be streaky fires like in snapchat

  • In the bulletings section you could put an item where by synchronizing Spotify, you could see what the other person is listening to

  • In instant messaging there could also be games (like chess or tateti)

  • In the profile they could put a pet where with points (earned in the games) they buy items for them

  • that calls can be made

  • On the home page there are posts or things where users can browse the page

Thanks for reading, you can add any constructive comments. ;)

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3 Replies

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Reply by Gluma


Since SpaceHey is a retro website, I think adding features that are found in more modern social media apps kinda...disrupts its purpose @_@

However, I do agree with the last point that there could be more things added on the home page :0 I personally think subscribed blogs could fit in, since I kinda forget that’s even a feature tbh (but maybe that’s just me)

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Reply by zombecca


kinda just parroting what Gluma said, but yeah, the first 4 don't really fit with the format of spacehey at all. not to mention suggestion 4 sounds, like, really scummy for some reason? idk if that's just me but i feel like adding pay-to-customize features to a FFA website just ruins the point.

calls might be fun though. but that might be a little too modern. i think that like an accessibility overhaul for the IM might help a little. just basic stuff though, like read receipts and image sharing for starters.

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Reply by Underwhirl


I think Spacehey needs a retro style chatroom. It would make this site more social whilst keeping true to its early internet roots. 

Also I like your idea of there being a little virtual pet. It would be cool to see some sort of simple browser game incorporated into the site. 

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