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Internet sucks for communication

Posted by Alex


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I've just been thinking. Facebook Messenger is completely useless because people won't realize you've sent them a message until years later, it just gets dumped into some "other" folder. Nobody checks Skype. And there really aren't any other platforms that people use, unless of course you already have someone's phone number to add them on Telegram/Signal/whatever

It doesn't have to be like this, it's so sad

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Reply by Turboblack


That’s why it’s easier to run a website - more people will see and read you than you can imagine. and if your thoughts are valuable, you will reach many thinking people. Information on social networks dissolves like sugar in water. and has no value there. it just fades away.

Personally, I am all for web 1.0 because there the person commands the data. I am a publicist myself. and I try to make it convenient for other people.

if you want to be found and read. better to write.

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